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SBE Uniform Policy Acknowledgement 

 Please review, sign, and return the updated school uniform requirements.
Uniforms Policy will be strictly enforced. 

SBE Students are allowed to wear the following:


Shirts:  All shirts must be solid blue (any shade), black, gray or white. (No printed writing or logos) Shirts should be tucked in.

Shorts/Skirts/Pants/Capri Pants and Belts: Uniform pants should be black, blue, or khaki. (No cargo style pants or jeans.) All skirts, shorts, and pants should be worn at the waist.  Shorts and skirts should be at the knee.  (Please wear a belt.) 

Sweatshirts/Sweaters: Sweaters/Sweatshirts are allowed with the colors listed above.  No large logos or sayings.

No hoods should be worn during the school day.

Students are expected to be in uniform every day with the exception of Friday Dress Down for Perfect Attendance Monday – Thursday). If there is a change in the policy due to special events, we will notify parents by correspondence.

Perfect Attendance Friday Attire – Students can wear clothing other than their required uniform on the Friday of the week if they have been in attendance Monday - Thursday.  (Leggings are not appropriate as primary pants; they must be covered. Tops should cover the shoulder (No tank tops or spaghetti straps – including dresses, as the primary top.) No holes above the knees for jeans.)

Dress for Success Days does not include JEANS.