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Digital Libraries:


Overdrive eBooks


Renaissance myON - Informationn Page - Georgia Reading and Renaissance are partnering to provide readers free anytime/anywhere access to digital books and news with "myON"


Renaissance "myON" - Website

School Name: Get Georgia Reading

Username: henrycounty

Pasword: read


e-Read Kids - Georgia Public Library


PebbleGo - (English & Spanish) K-3 Animals, Health, Science, Social Studies and Biographies

Usernames: engaged     Password: learning


PebbleGo Next - Recommend for 3 - 5) click "Log In"

Username: engaged     Password: learning


Capstone Interactive eBooks - click "Log In"

Username: continue     Password: reading


Book Connections: Student Access

Children's Books and Authors Collection

Teen Books and Authors Collection


Tumble Math -  uses stories and literature to explain basic math concepts, grades K-6

Username: ugm210     Password: login     click "Sign In"


Audible by Amazon - free audio books for kids and teens, no subscription or sign up.


Tumblebook Library - grades K-6 e-books, read alouds, videos, games & puzzles

Username: ugm210     Password: trial      click "Sign In"